Sunday, July 11, 2004

playa tamarindo

i got to playa tamarindo friday night but we didn't find a hotel with room for 10 ppl that we could agree on the price for. my only criteria was that i didn't want an over crowded bed. like 1 per twin, 2 per queen. and a few others agreed too. i mean, who wants to sleep 3 to a queen/king when we're all sticky and hot? not i said the fly. ok, i've decided that this keyboard is from hell. the wind blows and the spacebar moves. narf.
anyways, i tried surfing yesterday and that was a sad sad process. i can't stand up! ah well. that's what todays for. that and another sun burn on my sun burn.
i fo und some cute things and i want to buy a sarong. such pretty things. but also, tamarindo is very touristy so the prices are all us prices. b/c ppl will pay them. we went to a couple bars here and there's one restaurant that has super cheap drinks. a bit oer a dollar for cocktails. good stuff man.
welp, gotta go play in the water. it's so warm you don't need a wetsuit to surf or anything!


Anonymous said...

whats up g. yea so i just read your whole blog thing. i wanna go canopy sliding stuff in the forest!!! THAT SOUNDS SO FUN!!! i remeber seeing taht from temptation island and hyeah...always wanted to do that ever since. i wonder what you have to do to be on that show... so yeah how interesting maybe i should go to costa rica and pretend to volunteer to teach, but really drink fruit drinks and tan :D oh to be on temptation island, i gotta have a bf first heh heh...and become hella fine...and make sure my bf is hella fine too! k cya mang

Anonymous said...

yeah that was me...i forgot to post my name. it's me ji young your oldest little sister

Anonymous said...

what the hell it didn't poist!! THIS IS JI YOUNG the previous post(s) are/is mine!!