Sunday, November 14, 2004

where for art thou, ksjo???

ksjo. 92.3 it was always there. they always talked about all the years it's been on the air and being the longest rock station in the bay area. and now.. it's a spanish oldies station?? what? ksjo can be heard here in santa cruz and all of a sudden it was a spanish station. i thought "oh, well, maybe they sold their santa cruz station. i'm sure it's still around in the bay area." but it wasn't. i wonder why they don't give any notice. and what happens to all the dj's? ah well. the songs are pretty. i don't always know what they're saying though. since it's in spanish and all. there's this one spanish station in santa cruz. it's called "super estrella". it's alot of love songs. claudette calls it soap opera music. and, really... i can hear it too. very dramatic singing.
today at work, i found out i was half an hour late, ended up doing the dishes, cut myself on a stainless steel pot, and had a huge stainless steel 1ft by 1ft square bowl thing fall on my head. yay for quiznos'. i think the cut hurt the most. i had to keep washing the dishes so it was always irritated by the dirty water. ah well. i'm sure my immune system is tough enough for dish washing germs.

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