Wednesday, September 08, 2004

in sc now

i'm all moved into my apartment in santa cruz now. i got here mid afternoon on sunday. it turned out that that's not the best time to go to santa cruz. aparently, a silly holiday called labor day combined with a hot day made people want to go to the beach. those crazies. anyways, i am now officially on the job hunt. i wonder what i'll find. i hope it has flexible hours so i can work it around school.
on sunday the church service was about the experiences the mission team had in china. kristin was one of them. i thought the sermon was interesting but had alot of questions about the ethics that were invovled. the mission team was told not to contact people who could give away the fact that they are christian missionaries and they went to china under false pretenses and everything. but during the sermon, the pastor named names and after the sermon, there was a slide show presentation of their experiences. if the MISSIONARIES can't let the chinese government know that they are christian, wouldn't the people who actually live in china be more in danger? the pastor got verbal consent from the people who participated but they might not know that the photos and all that such stuff can get themselves identified by the government and sent to jail. i guess it sounds a bit far fetched but being an anthropology major makes you have to sit through alot alot alot of ethics lectures and things related to ethical treatment of participants. also, it's just safer that way i guess. nobody goes to jail this way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Missionaries should act in an ethical and moral manner. Otherwise, what is your mission? To spread the art of deceit? I hope you spoke up about it, and am glad you recognized the dangers of hypocracy.